About the Journal

The International Seminar with the theme "Scope of Practice of nursing and Midwifery Students: the comparison between Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand” was conducted with the aim of improving and updating the knowledge of nursing and midwife students within the scope of practice to improve standardized and ethical clinical competence. This seminar is organized by the Faculty of Health, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng as an academic discussion forum within and between the Faculty of Health across the respective countries. The International seminar is an annually scheduled faculty activity with the seminar proceedings published. This discussion forum will facilitate academics, practitioners, students, and all stakeholders to disseminate the results of scientific or conceptual studies related to health issues, particularly nursing and midwifery.

The Focus and Scope of the articles in this seminar are

  1. Issue in Nursing Practice
  2. Issue in Midwifery Practice
  3. Public Health issues