Keterampilan Meregulasi Emosi dalam Perkembangan Anak
Emotion regulation has an important role for positive social-emotional development of children. This skill refers to a child's ability to recognize and manage his emotions, so as to provide an effective response to various social situations. This article explains in more detail about emotion regulation in relation
to children's socio-emotional development through a literature study from various sources using a literary and hermeneutical approach. Emotion regulation is the ability that children have to assess emotional experiences and the ability to control, express these emotions and feelings more positively in everyday life. Children who regulate their emotions are able to establish successful social relationships with other children or with adults. This happens because children exercise self-control so that they manipulate their emotional attitudes and actions so as not to harm other people. Children's ability to regulate emotions can be formed through emotional regulation training. Early childhood is taught to choose situations, modify situations by changing responses so that their emotions are more favorable for positive socio-emotional development. Parents, teachers and various parties must train early childhood to be aware of and manage their emotions so that they have good socio-emotional development.