Pengelolaan PAUD Holistik Integratif Berbasis Kemitraan dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Metakognisi

  • Fransiskus De Gomes Universitas Katolik Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng
Keywords: Early Chilhood Education, Management, Holistic, Integration, Partnership, Metacognitive Aproach


Early Childhood Education should stimulate all the needs of children's growth and development in a holistic and integrated manner. The needs for growth and development of children that must be met are education, health, nutrition, care, care, protection, and welfare. The implementation of these services requires careful institutional management of early childhood education. Holistic and integrated of early childhood education management requires the cooperation of stakeholders. Through partnerships, holistic and integrated of early childhood education units can plan, organize resources, carry out program activities, monitor and evaluate effectively, efficiently and credibly. Management of holistic and integrated of early childhood education should be based on the local context of the institution itself. Management analysis must be mature and not trapped in imitative and routine mindsets and work patterns. This article provides an alternative to early childhood education management in a holistic and integrated manner with a partnership pattern and a metacognition approach.
